How To Pack

Take it from someone who has both over packed and under packed.. I learned my lesson with both. I have put together some tips and tricks to help you get started.

Things to keep in mind:

  • The length of your trip

  • The weather

  • The size of your luggage

  • Weight limits for airlines

Tips to help with packing:

  • Packing cubes! You can organize each cube to your liking. I typically use 1 for shirts and underwear. Another for jeans and shorts. Another for jackets and going out attire. Etc. You get the picture. It’s nice too because you know exactly where everything is and when you need to open your suitcase in the middle of the plane/airport, all your belongings aren’t for display. I like to use Beis packing cubes.

  • Pick out your outfits beforehand. Again, I learned this through trial and error. I used to be the type of person that just threw clothes in her suitcase and hope it made sense when I got to my destination. I learned quickly this is not the case. Picking your outfits out beforehand helps so much. Try it on. Have outfits that can be mixed and matched. It helps save room and a headache!

  • Lay things out. I like this rule a lot. Mainly because things always look good in my head and once I lay it out and see it, I realize otherwise. Also, it’s a good way to see everything you’re going to pack and allows you a chance to rethink if you REALLY need those extra pairs of shoes or not… (you don’t, quit lying to yourself. Been there done that)

  • Always carry on your essentials. If you’re always going on a plane and don’t want to constantly unpack and pack, I suggest keeping the basics like shampoo, conditioner, an extra toothbrush, a hairbrush, deodorant, etc in your weekend bag/luggage at all times. If you are checking in a bag, I highly suggest adding an Apple Air Tag to your luggage so you can keep track of it on your phone in case it gets lost. If you have a laptop or camera or anything expensive, bring it with you on the plane and never leave it in the checked-in bag.

  • A Dopp kit is a life savior. This should be filled at all times. I use mine for toiletries but I’ve heard of people also use it for makeup. To each his own :) I use the Beis Dopp kit.

  • Going overseas for the first time? Fun, but don’t overpack. I know… it’s easier said than done but trust me. Rule of thumb: pack whatever you want, and then take out half of it. It’ll save you a room, stress, and extra weight to carry around. Europe is known for its cobblestone streets and hills that you 100% will be walking on so make your life easy.

  • Health kit. This is crucial. I always carry bandaids and Neosporin ointment with me. Ya never know what can happen.

  • Dryer sheets. I like to bring these when I am traveling to a number of places as its sometimes hard to find a washer/dryer in every place and I want to keep my clothes are fresh as possible.

  • Be selective with your footwear. If you are only bringing a carry on luggage, bring 1 pair of shoes to go out in (dancing, dinner) and 1 pair to wear on the beach (water shoes/sandals) and then a pair of good running/walking shoes to explore in.

  • Laundry bag. I pack one every time I go somewhere. This helps separate your wet or dirty clothes from your clean clothes.

  • Roll your clothes. It helps create more space!

  • Sample sized toiletries. Don’t bring your full-size shampoo bottle or lotion with you if you are only bringing a carry on.

*Check the carry on regulations at the airports you are flying in and out of. Even for layovers. Some airports have different rules and you may end up going through security again and have to throw something out that you were able to get away with somewhere else. It’s happened to me a few times.

Image Credit: Pretty Stuff

Danielle Giordano